Dogs can be wonderful and loyal pets, and many people worldwide consider them a part of the family. Yet, some dogs are aggressive in nature or become aggressive when they are in fear and cause severe injuries to people and other animals. Dog bites could cause severe physical injuries and lead to lasting psychological damage. This is especially true for children who suffer an animal attack.
If a negligent pet owner failed to protect you or someone you love from a dangerous animal, you could be eligible to collect compensation. Call a Houston dog bite lawyer for more information about your options. A personal injury attorney could help you file a claim.
Pet Owner’s Home Insurance Policy Covering Animal Attack Losses
Homeowner or renter’s insurance policies often cover the damages after a pet attacks and causes injuries and losses. An insurance company will reach out to an injured party to record a statement after an attack. It is rarely a good idea to speak directly with an insurance representative without help from an attorney.
Sadly, while it may seem they want to help, it is common for insurance agencies to use statements against a plaintiff in animal attack cases. They may attempt to place at least partial blame on a victim to reduce the payout amount. A hard-working dog bite lawyer in Houston will handle all insurance company communication for a plaintiff. A legal representative will work hard to negotiate a fair and just settlement for your injuries.
Potential Losses After a Dog Bite
After establishing that the owner knew their dog had acted aggressively before or a dog’s owner was negligent in preventing the bite, you are entitled to compensation to cover economic and noneconomic damages.
Economic Damages
Economic damages cover the out-of-pocket losses and expenses a person must pay after suffering injuries, such as:
- Past, current, and future costs of medical care and expenses related to the animal attack
- Loss of pay while at home recovering and future earning potential
- The cost of psychiatric care
- Transportation costs to get to medical appointments
Noneconomic Damages
Noneconomic damages cover the non-monetary and subjective losses, including:
- The inconvenience of dealing with the aftermath of an attack
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental pain and anguish
An attorney in Houston could ensure a dog bite claim accounts for all the losses an individual experienced.
The State One-Bite Rule
Texas has a one-bite rule. Under the Texas Health and Safety Code § 822.005, a court will hold the pet owner liable for damages and losses if an animal has a history of aggression and attacks a person without cause. Yet, if the animal does not have a history of being dangerous to others, a claimant must establish that an animal’s owner was negligent.
An animal attack that occurs because a defendant did not protect the public from a dangerous animal could result in civil and criminal penalties. A Dog bite lawyer in Houston could investigate the animal’s past to determine if there was a history of aggression or if the owner was negligent.
Meet With a Seasoned Houston Dog Bite Attorney
A dog attack could leave you with severe physical and psychological injuries with lasting effects. When an animal owner is negligent and others sustain injuries, a court could hold them financially accountable. Compensation could cover medical expenses, the loss of pay, and emotional and physical pain and suffering. Call an experienced Houston dog bite lawyer today if you need help with a case.

Below are just some of the more common types of cases that Benjamin Roberts represents personal injury clients.
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