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Blind-Spot Truck Accidents in Houston

A blind-spot truck accident occurs when commercial drivers switch lanes or make other maneuvers without checking their blind spots and collide with other vehicles. The casualties are often severe, leaving motorists with serious, life-threatening, or fatal injuries. The massive size of trucks causes them to have more blind spots than other vehicles.

Therefore, commercial truckers must complete extensive training before operating commercial vehicles on state roads and highways. Call a hard-working attorney knowledgeable about blind-spot truck accidents in Houston for more information about legal options.

Where are Truck’s Blind-Spots?

Trucks have four large blind spots on the front, back, and sides of the vehicle. While it is the truck driver’s job to check every blind spot before maneuvering, other motorists can help keep themselves safe by avoiding travel where the driver cannot see them. The blind spots are as follows:

  • Directly in front of the vehicle, starting at the bumper and extending approximately 20 feet
  • Directly behind the truck, beginning at the back bumper and extending about 30 feet
  • On the left side of the truck, starting at the door and extending out one lane, ending at the back of the truck
  • On the right side, extending out two lanes and going to the back of the truck

A good rule of thumb is that if the motorist cannot see the driver in the truck’s side mirrors, the truck driver cannot see them and may not know they are there, possibly leading to a blind-spot truck collision in Houston.

Proving Liability After a Blind-Spot Truck Crash

A truck driver or trucking company could be liable for a blind-spot truck accident. The trucker could be a defendant if they were negligent, such as driving with distractions. If the driver did not receive adequate training, the trucker and the company they work for could be defendants. A seasoned attorney in Houston could investigate a blind-spot truck crash to find the cause and evidence needed to prove fault and recover an award for damages.

Speaking With Insurers After a Truck Accident

The trucking insurance company usually reaches out to the other parties involved in the accident quickly. While they often seem helpful, minimizing damages and the total settlement amount is their job.

They could use anything the plaintiff says against them to try and prove they are at fault for the collision. A dedicated legal representative would handle the communication and negotiations on the plaintiff’s behalf. They have experience dealing with insurance adjusters and could protect the best interest of an injured party.

The State Statute of Limitations for Truck Collisions

There is a deadline for filing lawsuits after accidents with negligent truck drivers and motorists. According to the guidance provided by the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 16.003, the claimant must commence legal action within two years of a blind-spot truck accident.

Missing the deadline could mean losing eligibility to recover damages and hold the careless party financially accountable. A practiced lawyer in Houston could handle the legal filings on the plaintiff’s behalf after a blind-spot truck wreck.

Schedule a Consultation With an Attorney About Houston Blind-Spot Truck Accidents

Blind-spot truck crashes are a significant cause of severe accidents, leaving a driver with life-threatening injuries and permanent disabilities. Everyone can do their part to avoid these accidents, such as moving away from the areas truckers cannot see quickly.

However, the responsibility falls on experienced truck drivers to check them before maneuvering to ensure they are clear. If a negligent driver or trucking company caused you to suffer injuries and losses in a crash, you could be eligible to collect compensation to cover the damage. Schedule a consultation with a skilled lawyer experienced with blind-spot truck accidents in Houston to start working on your case.

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(713) 609-1898
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