Texting drivers are a threat to public safety and one of the primary causes of fatal car crashes. Texting while operating a large commercial vehicle, such as 18-wheelers, poses more risks because of their size. Truckers are more likely to make errors with deadly results, and federal regulations prohibit texting to reduce the number of avoidable collisions with catastrophic consequences.
You have the right to seek payment with help from a knowledgeable truck accident attorney if a reckless trucker caused you harm. Meet with a lawyer skilled in cases of texting and driving truck accidents in Houston for more information.
Increased Risk of Crashes
Tractor-trailers require much more distance to stop than regular passenger cars. Distractions divert the operator’s attention and reduce their ability to maintain control while reacting quickly, increasing the risk of rear-ending another vehicle. Texting also decreases the trucker’s ability to maintain control, particularly during maneuvers like merging and changing lanes.
Texting while driving any vehicle is often a fatal mistake, and the differences in size and weight between passenger cars and semi-trucks significantly increase the severity. A second-long lapse in judgment has the potential for lasting consequences for everyone involved.
Negligent, non-compliant truck operators face civil liability and violate industry regulations, which may result in steep fines and loss of driving privileges. An attorney skilled with cases resulting from texting and driving truck crashes in Houston could gather evidence to determine a driver’s adherence to industry statutes.
Regulations and Consequences for Violations
Multiple agencies nationwide gathered data for analysis and found that safety-critical events are more likely for texting truckers. Texting is a manual, visual, and cognitive distraction, often leading to impaired reaction times and judgment combined with operator errors, such as unintentional lane deviation. In response to the findings, federal and state agencies enacted regulations to prohibit the action.
Commercial truckers are forbidden from reading, drafting, or sending text messages while driving. Text messaging is any form of written communication, including emails and instant messaging. This includes entering text to browse the web or completing any action requiring pressing more than one button. There is an exception to the rule for emergency services or law enforcement.
Truckers face severe consequences, and their employers are subject to penalties when they knowingly allow drivers to violate the regulations. For multiple offenses, truck drivers face fines of up to $2,750 and disqualification, and trucking companies could face up to $11,000 in fines.
The federal texting ban protects tractor-trailer operators and motorists traveling near them from avoidable collisions with catastrophic consequences while promoting roadway safety. A lawyer knowledgeable about Houston texting and driving truck collisions could review the regulations and answer questions about the civil court process.
The Statute of Limitations
The state’s statute of limitations, the deadline to file a lawsuit, is two years after most vehicle collisions. However, some case specifics could extend the time, such as cases involving plaintiffs who sustain injuries leading to mental incapacitation or minors. For those claims, the time starts when the disability ends, or the day the injured person turns 18.
Meet With an Attorney in Houston About Texting and Driving Truck Accidents
Large commercial trucks, such as 18-wheelers, are the largest vehicles on the roadways, transporting cargo day and night. A crash with a tractor-trailer can alter your life permanently and often result in severe or fatal injuries. Injured people must hold negligent operators accountable when crashes occur because they break federal laws.
Obtaining a settlement could cover your losses while holding them financially responsible for their actions. For help with your case, schedule a consultation with a lawyer qualified to handle cases resulting from texting and driving truck accidents in Houston.
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