As a seaman, you face potential dangers every day on the job. However, if your employer takes adequate safety precautions, you should avoid injury. Unfortunately, some employers may fail to take the precautions necessary to keep you safe at sea, leaving you with severe injuries and a long road to recovery ahead. According to federal law, if your employer’s negligence causes your injuries, you have the right to seek compensation for those losses. An experienced maritime injury lawyer could guide you through the process of filing a personal injury claim.
As maritime injury lawyers, we are here to help you navigate the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve—don’t hesitate to contact us today to get started.
Common Maritime Injuries
Seamen that ship out of or live in the Houston area can face injuries for a number of reasons. These include:
- Poorly-maintained safety equipment
- Inadequate safety equipment or training
- Failure to adhere to essential safety standards
- Slippery surfaces, including oil on the deck which, can lead to falls
Seamen may suffer broken bones, back and neck injuries, head injuries, or even drowning injuries that result in brain damage as a result of employer negligence.
Filing an Injury Claim After a Maritime Injury
According to state law, if you suffer an injury at sea, you have two years from the date of the incident to file an injury claim. If you allow the statute of limitations to expire, the court will not hear your case, leaving you without that much-needed compensation.
If you suffered injury in a maritime accident, do not try to handle your claim alone. Instead, reach out to an offshore injury attorney in Houston as soon as possible. A lawyer could:
- Fight for your rights in the aftermath of the accident
- Interact with your company and/or the insurance company on your behalf
- Seek evidence that will make it easier to establish your right to compensation
- Lay out the damages you have the right to include as part of your quest for compensation
- Help you determine whether you should file a workers’ comp claim or a personal injury claim
Working with a maritime accident attorney could provide you with a high degree of confidence as you move forward with your claim. Many seamen find that they can recover more compensation when working with a lawyer than they can on their own.
Compensation You Can Recover After Your Maritime Accident
The aftermath of a maritime accident can mean substantial financial damages as well as the challenges of dealing with your injury itself. Talk to your maritime accident lawyer in Houston about the damages you can include, such as:
- Compensation for your pain and suffering
- Wages you missed because you could not return to work after your injury
- Your medical costs, including any emergency medical costs as well as the cost of long-term medical treatment
By laying out all the damages you had to deal with after your accident, your lawyer can help you better understand the compensation you should expect. Note that the compensation you can recover may depend on many factors, including the insurance policy that covers your employer.
Contact a Houston Maritime Injury Attorney For Help With Your Claim
If you suffered injuries at sea due to the negligence of your employer, do not try to handle your claim alone. Instead, reach out to a Houston seaman injury lawyer at Benjamin Roberts Law. Our team of attorneys have successfully navigated many past injury claims and can provide you with the support you need.
Schedule your consultation today to learn how we can help you pursue the compensation you deserve and protect your rights under maritime law.

Below are just some of the more common types of cases that Benjamin Roberts represents personal injury clients.
For a full list of the cases we handle, please see the Practice Areas link at the top of the page.