Houston Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Enduring an injury that results in paralysis is a devastating life-altering event. These injuries require extensive medical attention and costs to bring you back to the point of stability and may also impact your ability to support your family and enjoy time with loved ones. Paralysis is a devastating injury from which most people never fully recover. If someone else caused your debilitating injury, you deserve compensation to help you on the road to recovery and pursuit of a normal life.

With the high stakes in these cases, it is essential to protect your legal rights. You may be able to collect the compensation needed to rebuilt your life, but only if you prove that another person or company was responsible for the incident. A Houston paralysis injury lawyer could help you prove this. From day one, a catastrophic injury attorney is ready to explore the facts of an incident, explain your rights under the law, and fight to hold negligent people, companies, or the manufacturers of dangerous equipment responsible for their actions.

Events that May Lead to Paralysis

The loss of function in a body part is a severe but frequent result of many accidents. Unfortunately, people going about their daily routines are susceptible to dangers that result in paralysis from no fault of their own.

For example, car crashes are a common source of immobilization injuries. Even people following the speed limits and other rules of the road may endure severe injuries due to another’s carelessness. Paralysis may also result from slips and falls, defective consumer products, or falling items off store shelves.

An injury attorney in Houston is prepared to take the lead and help you start rebuilding your life. A Houston Injury Attorney will help in investigations regarding the source of a paralysis injury. They work to obtain information about the event, determine the obligation of a defendant to keep you safe, and build a powerful case to put you in the best position to prevail and start rebuilding your life.

Demanding Appropriate Compensation After a Paralysis Injury

When faced with an injury as devastating and serious as paralysis, medical bill can become very extensive. It is important to get the medical attention and care that is needed to make a recovery. All parties responsible for causing injuries must be held accountable and compensate the ones who they’ve hurt. Individuals who endure paralysis can demand payments to cover the full extent of their losses. A paralysis injury lawyer in Houston could help seek damages that can cover medical expenses, future medical care, and lost wages.

The central focus of these cases is always the physical injuries and associated costs. People who experienced paralysis likely took a ride in an ambulance, spent time in an ER, underwent surgery, and stayed in a hospital for extended periods of time. They also require physical rehabilitation in the future to help get the victim back to living a productive life

These events also affect people in other ways. This can include emotional trauma connected to the event and coming to terms with one’s new reality. The injury may also impact a person’s ability to work and support their family. A legal representative strives to place an accurate value on a case and demand appropriate compensation from negligent defendants.

When to File a Paralysis Injury Claim

Even with these often-complex cases, there is a limited time under the law to seek compensation. Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code §16.003 gives many people as short as two years after the date of an injury to bring a case to court. This timeframe could vary depending on the circumstances.

Once the two years passes, a person loses their ability to file a claim, no matter the evidence against a negligent individual. Contacting a lawyer in Houston immediately after a paralysis injury will help a person navigate a claim and preserve their right to file. A legal representative could ensure a person recovers what they deserve within this limitation.

Contact a Houston Paralysis Injury Attorney Today

Events that result in paralysis are among the most difficult a person may ever endure. Regardless of how these events occur, a person or company that was negligent in allowing them to happen must be held accountable. A Houston paralysis attorney could take the lead and help you get the compensation you need to make things right.

Attorneys and staff at Benjamin Roberts Law dedicate their entire practice to helping people who have been injured. We understand the tactics insurance companies use to deny legitimate claims and have a proven track record of securing the deserved compensation for our clients. Call now to get started with your claim.

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(713) 609-1898
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Benjamin Roberts Attorney at Law